Virtual Skinny: Tech Trends

Good to Know:  What tech trends should we expect this year?  Check out Humanity of Tech’s 2020 tech trends series!  Numero uno? Africa’s got next when it comes to emerging tech communities.

The Skinny

When Somethings Are Just Important … India’s Supreme Court just said that internet shutdowns in Kashmir, a Muslim majority area, is a no-go aka illegal. 

When You Want to Know What Happened … The shutdown came last August after the government stripped Kashmir of its autonomy. Apparently, India’s government has a track record of using these shutdowns as, “as a tool to quell dissent in troubled parts of the country.” 

When It’s for Your Own Good … One of India’s Supreme Court justices is saying that internet access is a fundamental right. Not only that, but these shutdowns are costing the Internet economy. $1.3 billion in India alone.  Yikes!

What Else Is Going On? 

When You Double Down … Facebook says it’s sticking to its guns. It’s not planning to fact-check or put any type of limitations on its platform when it comes to political ads. Instead, the company says it’s offering controls to users so they can see as much or as little of those ads to their liking. Why? As a private company, FB says regulating political ads isn’t in its wheelhouse. It says it’s more of a government thing.

When There’s A First Time for Everything … Genetics testing company 23andMe made its first drug.  It then sold rights to the drug to a Spanish pharmaceutical company. This isn’t just a one-off situation. It’s gonna keep doing this and taking its newly developed drugs through clinical trials. In the past, the company shared its genetics data with other pharma companies. GlaxoSmithKline is one of them and used its exclusive rights to 23andMe’s data for drug development. 


The Streets Are Talking …

Quibi aka “quick bites” is the latest entertainment/tech venture from Meg Whitman and Jeffrey Katzenberg. Coming this April, you’ll be able to catch their content (10 minute or less videos that you can watch right from your phone). Starting price? $5/month. They say they’re not competing with the Netflixs of the world. Will you be watching?

A couple of months ago, PayPal purchased L.A.-based start up Honey for $4 billion. Honey is a web browser extension that you can download for discounts for you to save money for your online orders. Sounds good to us! Now, Amazon’s warning its users saying that Honey is a security risk and should be uninstalled immediately. The gag is Honey is legit, and Amazon hasn’t done this for other similar extensions. This move has got Honey and online shoppers asking Amazon, what’s good? 

For Funsies … 

This month, we’re reading The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. It’s exactly what it sounds like. But as always: Easier said than done. Read with us!

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