Virtual Skinny: Friday!


Good to Know: Happy Friday! Focusing on others isn’t just the key to leading a happier life. It also helps when trying to get a job, allegedly


When You Have Nothing But Good Intentions …

Microsoft thought it was doing a good thing when it introduced “Tay,” an AI chatbot, to the world earlier this week.  The company built Tay to mimic stereotypical millennials’ “caszhh” speak aka casual speak by learning from 18-24 year olds Twitter and messaging apps Kik and GroupMe.

But, Then Things Went Left VERY Quickly …

Things started innocently enough with Tay responding with playful comments. But in just half a day, Tay transformed into your racist, homophobic, xenophobic, politically incorrect relative that you are forced to see at least once a year. Tay was spewing things like: “WE’RE GOING TO BUILD A WALL. AND MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT.”  We’ve heard that somewhere before …

When It’s Not Really All Jokes …

People could write this off as a joke. But can’t help but wonder, is this really a reflection our society? And, how much filtering safeguards are needed to avoid these offensive comments with the next AI chatbot? Tay went to bed (i.e., Microsoft shut it down” around midnight last night.


When You’re Not Sure How To Feel …

Online streaming service Netflix took to its blog and dropped a major truth bomb on us. The company’s admitted that it’s been decreasing the quality of videos for users watching via telecom providers AT&T and Verizon Communications wireless networks for five years. Turns out this is what a telecom company gets for non-consumer friendly policies. Meanwhile, if you’re in the U.S. and can’t find anything to watch on your account. You’re not alone.  AllFlick’s new report says Netflix’s catalog has shrunk by about 32% in the last two years. 


If you need to connect with anyone between the ages of 13 and 24, e-mail is not the way. They’re 3.5x more likely to use messaging apps compared to 45+ year olds.



Apple’s  first TV series will be an unscripted show that’s centered on something it knows well – apps. Musician and TV producers Ben Silverman (former executive producer of The Office) and Howard Owens are in.

Snapchat reportedly dropped $100 mill Bitstrips, the company responsible for the Bitmoji app.

Google just made its Nik Collection, a collection of desktop plug-in, free. It would usually run you about US $149. #GoodDeal