User Agreement

15 September 2015

User Agreement

Privacy Policy

The Virtual Skinny is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to its Web site.  Outlined below is our privacy policy.

Personally Identifiable Information Collected on this Web Site

The Virtual Skinny may collect certain personally identifiable information [including your name and email address] from visitors to this site who choose to provide such information through various electronic forms on this site.  Such information will not be disclosed or shared to any third party beyond the electronic forms, except as required by law.  

Privacy of our Email Lists

Visitors to this site may choose to subscribe to various email lists maintained by The Virtual Skinny.  Subscribers to The Virtual Skinny lists have the opportunity to remove themselves from future communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email message generated by The Virtual Skinny.  We do not sell, rent, or otherwise share email addresses or other personally identifiable information with anyone outside of The Virtual Skinny and authorized agents, or to the extent required by law.

Browser Information and Cookies

The Virtual Skinny monitors the performance of its Web site through commercially available Web log analytic tools.  The Virtual Skinny may examine aggregate information including page views, unique user sessions, and other statistics to help assess the performance of the site.  No personally identifiable information is collected as a result of this process.  The Virtual Skinny may use cookies to enhance the user experience on its sites.

User Feedback and Contacting Us

The Virtual Skinny encourages users to share feedback about our organization and its policies.  Please note that if you share feedback or comments with us via our Web site, we will use your information to respond to your questions or comments.  The Virtual Skinny will not share this information with others unless you grant us permission to do so.  

Blog Comments

If you choose to participate on our blog, your post will be publicly available in addition to the name you submit and a time stamp for the comment.  The Virtual Skinny does not claim ownership of content you submit or make available for inclusion in the blog.  However, with respect to content you submit or make available for inclusion on the publicly available blog, you grant The Virtual Skinny a worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such content on The Virtual Skinny Web site or any other of The Virtual Skinny’s communication or platform.

You understand that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, tags or other content you submit (“Content”) are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such content was generated.  You and not The Virtual Skinny are responsible for all Content that you make available to the blog.  

You agree not to post any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or otherwise objectionable.  The Virtual Skinny reserves the right (but not obligation) to remove or preclude Content that the we believe violates its User Agreement.  

YouTube Videos Embedded on Our Website

The Virtual Skinny will embed YouTube videos on our Web site from time to time.  If you click to watch these videos, you agree to abide by YouTube’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.  Please visit YouTube for its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Links to External Websites

Though The Virtual Skinny may link to external Web sites, it is not responsible for the content of these sites or for the information gathering practices on these Web sites. Please view the policies of these Web sites, as they may differ from The Virtual Skinny’s policies.

Children’s Privacy

The Virtual Skinny complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (“COPPA”).  This site is intended for adults only, and The Virtual Skinny does not knowingly contact or collect personally identifiable information from children under 13.

General Provisions

Use of this site constitutes your consent to this policy.  This policy and The Virtual Skinny’s privacy practices are subject to change at any time by The Virtual Skinny.  If a change to The Virtual Skinny’s privacy practices is made, a corresponding change to this privacy policy will be posted here along with the date of the effect of such a change.

Copyright and Related Rights

All original content on The Virtual Skinny’s Web site are copyrighted; however, users may reproduce or distribute this original content for educational and personal use.  Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike (“CC BY-NC-SA”) applies to The Virtual Skinny’s original content unless otherwise specified.  You may build on The Virtual Skinny’s work for non-commercial purposes and share it under this license as long as you credit The Virtual Skinny.  Please visit the Creative Commons Web site for more information.  

Unless otherwise indicated, all The Virtual Skinny’s marks displayed are subject to the trademark rights of The Virtual Skinny.

The Virtual Skinny’s Agent for Notice of claims of copyright or other intellectual property infringement can be reached as follows:

Last updated:  September 15, 2015.

Should you have any questions, please contact: