The Virtual Skinny: Oh, Hi!


Good to Know:  Gmail account stolen?  Here’s how to recover it. 


Rarely Seen … 

In a speech from the White House Oval Office, last night U.S. President Obama addressed the American public in the aftermath of last week’s San Bernardino, CA mass shooting.

What We’re Not Going To Do Is … 

President O. told Americans that terrorist threats are real, but there’s no time for fear.  He wants the American public to keep calm because he’s a man with a plan. Obama and his Administration have a strategy to protect Americans against terrorist groups like ISIL aka ISIS. During his speech, he basically said, “Internet and tech companies, what’s good?” 

Step Up… 

Following in the footsteps of the French government that recently met with tech and Internet companies on counter-terrorism, the White House wants tech and Internet firms to step up their anti-terrorism game. More specifically, they want these companies to limit social media use for coordinating these types of events.  The Administration’s also planning a sit-down with companies to get down to the nitty-gritty of “…when … social media is being used actively and operationally to promote terrorism.”  Tech and Internet companies are already doing things on the low like taking down alleged terrorist profiles and content. But shhh… they don’t want people to think they’re working hand-in-hand with governments.

Let’s Talk Politics … 

U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is making the media rounds and saying that she wants to work with companies to shut terrorists down.


Step Away from the Device … 

Having a hard time shutting down your Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, etc? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.  Turns out Internet companies rely on what is called the “network effect” to make sure you keep coming back for more. Hashtags, notifications about comments or likes, requests to connect, etc. are all by design and not necessarily just for your convenience.  A new project called “Network Effects” wants to highlight that we’re not addicted to digital platforms solely because of our own freewill.  Apparently, endless access to content has a lot to do with it.

Now, We Wait … 

Last Friday in the U.S., telecom companies threw down against the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in front of three judges. They’re beefing over the FCC’s most recent net neutrality rules. Here’s what you should know about the situation. The FCC definitely put up a better fight from the last go around a couple of years ago, but it’s hard to say how the judges will rule on whether the FCC’s rules are legit or not. Looks like we use 70% of our broadband access to stream online videos so what the judges decide matters. Their decision could impact how everyday folks like us access online content. We won’t know anything until Spring 2016.


After a three-day pow wow with its board, no word yet from Yahoo on whether it’s going to sell off its Web business or not.  According to reports, it’s very likely that the company will continue to rely on CEO Marissa Mayer to make the company the next “comeback kid.”

Speaking of comebacks, Priceline’s got that on lock. Anything’s possible.

After years of research, 20-year old Maria Rose Belding, a sophomore at American University, helped create a social network to help cut down on food waste.  Her platform connects food pantries in 24 states so they can share any excess food that would’ve probably been trashed.

Facebook’s testing out its live streaming video feature with some regular people.

Actor and comedian Paul Scheer is bringing back old school Sunday comics via Vine with cult web comic White Ninja.

Check out Twitter’s 2015 Year In Review.