Virtual Skinny: No Judgment Zone


Good to Know: Been watching the Rio Olympics? There’s about two weeks left. We hear it’s best to stream.  


When You’re the Outlier …

Post the Republican and Democratic National conventions, opinion polls are showing that it’ll be Hillary over Trump come this November. But, app maker Ric Militi says otherwise.

When You’re Confused …

Militi, creator of Zip Q&A, says based on what he’s seen on the app, he’s calling the U.S. presidential race for Trump.

When You’re A Judgment-Free Zone …

Militi says the discrepancy between opinion polls and his app comes down to anonymity. He says his app allows people to answer questions and express their feelings without anyone knowing their identity. He says people feel free to say what they want without being judged and labeled for their opinions.


When You Need Answers …

What do you think? Is Militi onto something? Tweet us with you think @virtual_skinny. #My6WordOpinion


Play Your Cards Right…

Tech companies are going public like they used to, but employees still want to cash in on their company shares. Private tech startups are hearing them loud and clear and are trying to do right by their employees. Pinterest and SpaceX are leading the way. Employees can sell their ‘startup shares’ – with strings, of course. 



Message him maybe? President Obama just copped himself a Facebook Messenger account. The goal is to “meet people where they are.”

Snapchat’s filters aren’t always a hit. The app released its “anime-inspired” filter, and it didn’t go well. Asian users took to Twitter to call out the app for its “yellowface” app. A similar reaction happened back in April when Snapchat put out its Bob Marley app in honor of 4/20. People were not ok with it on account of “blackface” and all. Snapchat took the filter down a couple of days later. But, we gotta ask! When will they learn? 


Speaking of filters gone bad … BuzzFeed’s saying that Twitter filtered out abusive comments during Q&A sessions with President Obama and celeb Caitlyn Jenner. This all allegedly went down while former CEO Dick Costolo was CEO. Costolo said it never happened. The issue? Twitter may be treating celebs differently than regular folks on its platform. Celebs, maybe they aren’t just like us after all… 

Facebook’s on a mission. First, the company kicked off its take down of clickbait. Now, it’s changing up its secret algorithm sauce to show people more content they care about to keep them informed. That’s right… Keep ‘em coming back for more. 

Netflix’s ‘Making of a Murder’ was a huge hit. Now, the documentary’s main subject Brendan Dassey just got his conviction overturned. 

If you’re a gamer, Spotify’s got something for ya! The music streaming service just launched a new portal dedicated to video game music. Enjoy! 

Ride-hailing service company Lyft just told GM, “your money’s no good here.” It’s turned down GM’s advances to buy out the startup.


Co-founder of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington, has been trying to get us to sleep and take care of ourselves for a while now. She even wrote a book about it. But, now she’s done talking. Huffington said she’ll no longer be the head EIC of the online media company. She’s now heading up Thrive Global, a “corporate and consumer well-being and productivity platform.” Think wellness type stuff for corporate employees.

Bill Maris, founder and CEO of Google Ventures, thinks he’s done all he can to get the company’s investing arm on the right track.  He’s decided to leave the company on a high note to spend time with his fam.  Maris will be leaving GV in the hands of David Krane, Google’s former PR guy.

Amazon Music Streaming Coming Soon…

Amazon to take on Spotify and Apple, Inc. 

The word on the street is that Internet company Amazon is stepping into the ring with music streaming services like Spotify and Apple, Inc.  The e-commerce company is about to grace us with its very own music streaming service.


The company already offers a free streaming music service to Prime subscribers. But, “free-99” has its drawbacks as the catalog is rather sparse. Rumor has it that the new service will have a more robust catalog of songs for US $9.99/ month. Although the company has been mum on this new service, reports claim that it should be available come this fall.

The company’s decision to enter a crowded market is to solidify its position as a one-stop shop for all content and consumer goods.

You probably already have your music streaming faves, but would you be willing to give a new Amazon music service a go? Let us know in the comments!

Virtual Skinny: Smile! You’re On Candid Camera


Good to Know: Placing stickers or plastic slides over laptop cameras is definitely a trend due to privacy and security concerns.  If FBI Director James Comey does it, then perhaps it’s worth jumping on the bandwagon. 


When You Call It Like You See It …

Last night, the Associated Press (AP) went right ahead and called the Democratic nomination for Hillary Clinton. Note to the AP: citizens in six states including California still have to cast their votes in today’s primary.

When It’s Not Over Till It’s Over … 

Hillary’s team immediately took to Twitter and sent out a clear message: We’re flattered, @AP, but we’ve got primaries to win. CA, MT, NM, ND, NJ, SD, vote tomorrow!

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When It’s all hands on deck … 

Calling all the “Bernie tech bros” aka the young white college-educated men in Silicon Valley that make up a good portion of Bernie’s base. You could say Bernie Sander’s campaign is version 2.0 of Obama’s 2008 campaign – heavy on online grassroots. Bernie supporters are tech savvy and like what they hear in terms of Bernie’s plans to disrupt Washington D.C.  They’re keeping the fight alive by relying on social media platforms and tools.


Make It Better … 

Uber’s trying to do right by its drivers. The ride-hailing service company just added a few new features for drivers’ benefit (e.g., drivers get will ride discounts when they participate on the platform as passengers and instant pay is now a thing). Even if you’re not an Uber driver, you’ll want to know about one feature:  The company plans to expand its new $5 or $10 penalty fee to more cities. Bottom line is just make sure you don’t keep the Uber driver waiting longer than 2 minutes.


Spotify just brought on Lady Gaga’s former manager Troy Carter as its Global Head of Creator Services. The music streaming company wants Carter to write a “bad romance” with artists, songwriters, and record labels.  And by bad, we really mean “good.” #RelationshipGoals

Attention iOS users: Sharing pics and videos on Insta just got a whole easier.  Launching the app isn’t even needed.

Verizon is willing to put up US $3 billion for Yahoo’s Internet parts.

Virtual Skinny: Diamonds and Pearls…


Good to Know:  Let your life shine bright like a diamond by spring cleaning with these organizational apps


When We’ve Lost Another Great One …

STUNNED is what we all were after learning that 57-year old, legendary pop star Prince passed away yesterday. No official word yet on the cause. So far, reports are citing his recent hospitalization for flu-like symptoms Regardless, it was a sad day for not only music lovers but the world.  Insanely private, Prince was incredibly humanitarian. #YesWeCode, an initiative to teach people of color how to code, is just one of his many social contributions.  #RIP #Prince


When It’s Time to Pay Tribute …

Pretty much everyone, including celebs, took to social media to share their condolences.   Hit Broadway shows, namely Hamilton and the Color Purple, paid special tributes. But for us regular folks who wanted to stream his music, you probably had a hard time finding his work online.

When You Want To Stream “Diamonds and Pearls…” 

It’s no secret that Prince was no fan of YouTube and Spotify. In 2015, he pulled most of his work from streaming services and decided to work exclusively with Tidal, a streaming service owned by rapper turned mogul Jay Z aka Beyoncé’s hubby.  Tidal’s mission is to be more artist-friendly by giving them more money for each music stream and allowing artists to have more control over their work on the service. Prince, being protective of his image, was on board.

When Not All Hope Is Lost …

Even if you’re not a Tidal subscriber, you can still find ways to stream some of Prince’s music. Check it out here.


Ugh, Not This Again …

The European Union doesn’t play when it comes to Google and alleged antitrust violations. It has officially charged the company with “abusing its power” with the Android operating system.  Apparently, Google requiring phone makers to pre-install some of its apps like Google Search and Google Chrome is no buneo. Kind of a big deal since Android is a monkey maker for the company, bringing in $11 billion in ad sales alone last year.

When You’re Ready to Settle …

A bunch of Uber drivers in Massachusetts and California sued the company over their employment status. The drivers wanted to be considered employees, but Uber was like nah, they’re just independent contractors. The employee v. independent contractor status matters when it comes down to benefits. But, looks like a judge won’t have to decide either way. Uber settled the case for US $100 million, of which $84 million is reserved for the drivers. That amount could increase depending on whether the company’s value continues to grow. Uber agreed to change up some of its practices and help set up a drivers’ association in each state. Copy cats, anyone?


The FBI shelled out US $1.3 MILLION to crack that San Bernardino iPhone. That’s more than the FBI Director James Comey’s total compensation for the remaining seven years of his tenure. Yikes!



Feel more like a local on your next trip with AirBnB’s “Guidebook.”

Twitter users came for Snapchat after the company released its Bob Marley filter in honor of 4/20 aka the unofficial weed “holiday.” They weren’t here for virtual blackface. So, Snapchat put out a factual statement claiming that it works with Bob Marley’s estate on the feature. No apology needed.

While we’re talking Snapchat, looks like MTV Cribs is coming back via the app.

The Shade Room thinks Facebook (FB) is being shady. The popular gossip publisher, a place where people can “go in” on the latest pop culture news, had its fair share of drams this week. It was booted off FB for alleged copyright violations. The publisher, which got its start on Instagram and now has over 4 million followers, says it had no warning.  #TheShadeOfItAll

In other FB news, the social media platform could soon allow you to cash in on your posts with “tip jar.”

Wedding season is upon us. If you’re getting married (Mazel!), HoneyFund is here to help you get those coins together for your honeymoon.

Virtual Skinny: Consistency Is Key


Good to Know: Consistency is the name of the game for the Obama Administration when it comes to nominating someone to fill the current vacancy on the Supreme Court (like previous Administrations). In a slight departure from tradition, the Administration created an account (@SCOTUSnom) just to announce President Obama’s nominee. Congrats, Judge Merrick Garland. Now, good luck getting Senate approval. 

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You Came In Like A Wrecking Ball …

Is the Internet partly responsible for giving the American people Senators Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz … and even Donald J Trump for the 2016 presidential election? It could be the case since they’ve all gained traction despite the fact that the establishment isn’t here for any of them.

What Used to Be …

Historically, Republican presidential nominations came down to media and political powerhouses … But that was then. Now, thanks to online fundraising, presidential candidate no longer need to rely on political and media insiders but can rake in tons of online donor cash to support their campaigns.

Role Reversal …

These days, Internet users are driving content. And, it’s no different when it comes to politics. Case in point? Online media sites like Vox and others picked up on stats that articles about Bernie Sanders generate heavy traffic. So, they do what any savvy biz person would do … Give the people what the want – more articles of Sanders.

Bottom line …

Some of you guys on social media are partly responsible for Sander’s popularity and the unexpected rise of Donald J Trump (to which DJ Khaled would say, “Congratulations, you played yourself.”) Moving forward, the Internet’s shake up of the media’s influence in U.S. politics is just starting.


When Consistency is Overrated and You Need to Change Strategy … 

Apple filed its latest response yesterday in its ongoing beef with the U.S. government. Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its own documents with the court and fired (more) shots.  The DOJ alleges that Apple is only making a thing out of the entire situation for its marketing purposes. In response, Apple took a more measured approach to dispel the government’s characterization of its position. With its filing, Apple’s trying to change the convo from marketing chatter to more serious things like privacy and security.

It’s Not As Easy As It Looks …

There’s been a lot said about what’s going on in this very heated debate.  Late last week, President Obama even weighed in at tech and music festival South by Southwest. Obama basically said there has to be a middle ground.  But, no so fast … John Oliver’s got the illest 18-minute long explanation of the whole issue. Definitely worth a looksy

Not This Again …

Online streaming services have been going through it. Last year, Taylor Swift piped up to pen an open letter about how she won’t be putting her work on streaming services like Spotify because they don’t properly compensate artists the way they should … U.S. music licensing laws are insanely complicated, and Swift’s argument isn’t exactly accurate. While that’s still an ongoing issue, music streaming services now have a new problem: Click fraud. Turns out it’s pretty easy to defraud streaming services into forking over royalties even if you aren’t a legit artist. You basically need three things to pull it off: (1) fake artists, (2) auto-generated tunes, and (3) “bots” that’ll click all will nilly on songs by real and fake artists.  Things that make you go hmmmm…


Some of you guys in the U.S. aren’t paying up for Netflix.  A recent study found that about 31% of Americans who have access to the service aren’t actually paying for it. On a related, here are tips to sharing your account the right way. You’re welcome …

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Instagram’s going rogue … The platform plans to start showing posts not in chronological order but based on what people want to see. While we’re on Insta, Pope Francis is getting ready to make his debut.

AirBnB just announced in Tokyo that neighbors of AirBnB hosts will soon be able to put the hosts and their properties on blast via an online form.

If you’ve got an MBA, e-commerce giant Amazon may just be interested. The company’s got a thing for business school grads. While it’s recruiting MBAs, Amazon is putting its lawyers to work. The company just filed a patent application on the process that would allow people like you and me to pay for things via selfies.

Internet veteran Yahoo is still trying to figure out the best way to move its business forward.  But no matter what happens, its current CEO Marissa Mayer wants to stay put for at least three years.

Ride-hailing service Lyft and GM are teaming up to make car rentals easy peasy for Lyft’s drivers.

Waffle anyone? No, we’re not talking the better alternative to pancakes. It’s Samsung’s new social network.

Btw, Twitter’s trying to make a comeback. Here are someways to make your account work for you.

The Virtual Skinny: Winning Isn’t Everything … Or Is It?


Good to Know:  In case you haven’t heard, the Golden Globes happened over the weekend.  Of course, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler slayed (check out their zings and cringe-worthy jokes), but online services had a pretty big night.  Kevin Spacey of Netflix’s House of Cards took home the Globe for Best Actor in a TV Series while Jeffrey Tambor nabbed one under the Best TV Comedy category for his role in Amazon’s Transparent.  Amazon’s hit show also went onto win overall Best Comedy Series. Uh … HUGE much?  


Mr. President’s In The Buildin’ … 

Yesterday, President Obama stopped by the Federal Trade Commission to talk privacy and cybersecurity for the nation.  It marked the first time in 80 years since a sitting President had visited the agency.

A Different Type of Tour …

Just don’t call it a comeback!  On Monday, January, Obama began making the rounds on his plan, which include proposals on student data protections, a new consumer privacy baseline, and a federal standards to take the place of the current 50 state by state laws on how companies should handle data breaches.  Then the following day, he took his tour to another agency — the Department of Homeland Security – to talk cybersecurity and information sharing.  Cybersecurity is an increasingly important issue in the wake of the Sony hack’s.

The Big Finale … 

This week’s tour makes for an interesting move, as it’s a sneak peak into the President’s upcoming State of the Union address scheduled for next Tuesday night, January 20.  We’ll keep you posted on how that goes.  Meanwhile, Congress is moving full steam ahead on date breach and cybersecurity legislation.

Did Your Annoying Friend Just Mess with Your Facebook, Again? 

Well, no not really.  But, news recently broke that sympathizers of the Islamic State of Iraq AKA ISIS “hacked” into the U.S. military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) Twitter and YouTube accounts.  With a few tweets posted and some documents leaked (already publicly available), CENTCOM confirmed that their account had been “compromised” and are looking into it.  CENTCOM’s social accounts have since been taken offline.  Consider it sort of handled. Where’s Olivia Pope when you need her? #TGIT #Withdrawals

Whatchu Talkin’ Bout Cameron? 

British Prime Minister David Cameron also gave a speech of his own earlier this week where he alluded to potentially banning services like WhatsApp and SnapChat if they do not provide increased access to the UK government.  More specifically, Cameron wants the UK government to put in a place a framework to intercept all content of Internet-based communications.   This conversation differs drastically from the dialogue in the U.S. where companies, civil society groups, and others are calling for a reform of the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act to require law enforcement to have a search warrant before being able to access users’ information stored online.  As users, we’d rather our information receive increased protection rather than less. #ByeFelicia (Looking at you, PM.)

Using Your Powers for Good …

Unfortunately, when we log onto our Facebook accounts from time to time, a missing child post pops up on our newsfeed. Now, Facebook is making things official by recently annoucing its partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Amber Alerts by region to people on the social network.

The Streets Are Talkin’ 

Grocery-Delivery start-up, Instacart has raised $220 million in its latest round of raising funds.  The company is now valued at $2 billion. #Swag Spotify is racking up on its subscribers.  This week, the online music service announced that it’s reached upwards of 15 million paying users out of 60 monthly active users.  #LovesIt Oh and by the way, Amazon just got Woody Allen to direct for and write one of its new series, which will be available via the company’s Prime Instant Video service.

In Other News … 

Jimmy Kimmel continues his “Mean Tweets” series and is back with a College Football edition.  By the way, The Ohio State Buckeyes bested Oregon (42-20).

The Virtual Skinny: Brrr, It’s Cold Out There!


Good to Know:  Ever had trouble finding a parking spot in a major city?  Luxe Valet, a new app offering on-demand valet parking service, is about to change your life.  How does it work?  Simply turn on the app, input your destination and be on your way.  Once you arrive at your destination, a Luxe valet will greet you (by name). The valet does all the work while you go about your business.  Ready to leave? Just hit the app to get your car back.  All of this for just $5/hour and $15 daily. Luxe is set to launch in the LA area soon but could be coming to a city near you.  We can’t wait! 


There’s No “I” in Team But There’s A “Me”…

According to media reports, President Obama is planning to take executive action on immigration this week. His plan is expected to permit 5 million immigrants to change their undocumented status from illegal to legal by granting them work permits.

Changing Times… 

For a few years now, President Obama has consistently stayed away from taking executive action on immigration reform but has looked to Congress to pass comprehensive legislation for a much-needed overhaul of the current system.  Though the Senate passed a bipartisan comprehensive bill last year, efforts stalled in the House.  And with Republicans set to take control of both the Senate and the House next year, things may become increasingly difficult. Though President Obama previously stated that acting by his lonesome on this issue would be “very difficult to defend legally,” he now believes that it would be “legally unassailable.”   In other words, he’s ready to get things done.

What About Me? 

The tech industry has been lobbying hard for the U.S. government to make more H1-B  visas (or high-skilled worker visas) available in order to increase America’s competitiveness.  After all, immigrants founded some of the tech and Internet companies we know and love today (i.e., Google and Yahoo).  But, there’s only so much the President can do.  While there are no specific details on the plan, it’ll likely only make small changes to address this specific issue. Congress will have to act to bring about any major changes.

What Else is Going On This Week?

Back In the News… 

Spotify is making the media rounds again, but this time it’s much less controversial and doesn’t involve Taylor Swift. Uber announced this week that it’s teaming up with the online music service just to make you feel more at home while in an Uber car.  From what we hear, once you jump into an Uber, you’ll be able to listen to your Spotify music playlist. No word yet on how this will work technically.

Can We Talk?

Telecom companies and Google are talking but haven’t quite yet defined their relationship.  Google’s Project Loon aims to bring Internet access to rural, less populated areas via balloons suspended at about 65,000 feet.  The Internet company is already partnering with Australia’s largest telecom provider Telstra to test these balloons in Western Queensland.  While Google is optimistic about potential collabos to bridge the gap between telcos and rural populations, telecom analysts think that the telcos are a bit more skeptical.  Analysts say telcos fear that Google could turn into a potential competitor.  Keep you friends close and your enemies closer.

I Got My Mind on My Money, and My Money on My Mind Phone …

Since Apple launched Apple Pay, there’s been a lot of chatter about the future of mobile payments.  And, with its recent plans to work with UnionPay and AliPay (both Chinese payment systems), Apple intends to keep the chatter going.  This week, Apple announced that its working to allow consumers to link their Apple ID to their UnionPay accounts. This move makes it easier for Chinese consumers to purchase Apple’s apps.  As Oprah would say during the holiday season, you’re ALL getting AH-AHPPSSSS … You get an app, and You get an app … In other mobile payment news, Snapchat is working with Square on a new payment feature called SnapCash. This new feature will allow SnapChat users to quickly message funds to each other.

The Streets Are Talkin’

Did you get my Facebook ping? Facebooking at work may soon be safe.  The social network is reportedly gearing up to offer its services at work via “Facebook@Work.”  This new service will allow people to group chat at work but also work jointly on projects and documents.

You’ve been summoned. And by “you,” we mean Twitter and Facebook.  According to reports, Russia is requesting to meet with the Internet companies to discuss the country’s new laws basically requiring government registries for bloggers and also that Internet data about Russian residents be kept within the country’s borders.

Alibaba keeps making moves. The Chinese e-commerce company now wants to get into the movie making business with Hollywood. It has plans to be a major player in the content distribution business.  Bloomberg says the company wants to do so “by using customer shopping and viewing data” to predict what movies will be successful in the Chinese market.

Things That Break The Internet …

The verdict is still out on whether Kim Kardashian’s highly controversial, NSFW Paper Magazine pics actually broke the Internet, but it’s safe to say that LifeTime’s Aaliyah biopic and Solange’s recent wedding are definitely this week’s hot topics.

Note to LifeTime: Next time, maybe consider better casting choices – or not.  We did enjoy these HI-LARIOUS #LifeTimeBeLike memes. #WeCant #StopIt

And Solange, keep doing what you’re doing because your wedding jumper and cape and pretty much everything else about your wedding was perfection!

The Virtual Skinny: GET OUT THE VOTE!


Your Voice Really Does Matter:  It’s Election Day, ya’ll! Midterm elections that is. Not to sound too preachy, but if you are of voting age and able to vote, now is the time to do so. Contrary to popular belief, midterms are just as important as the national Presidential election (if not more important).

Today, you get to vote for not only state governors but also Senators, and Members of Congress (you know, the people who actually write and pass laws and greatly impact things we should all care about – jobs, the economy, social issues, foreign policy, etc.).

Nate Silver has spoken and predicts that Republicans have a 76% chance of taking control of the Senate. But, there’s still time to prove him wrong. Bottom line: Every vote counts so please do exercise your rights today. Not sure where to go? No worries, we got you! Check it out below.



Why Not Just Do Both?

It’s no longer a strategy for avoiding making those hard decisions about what to have for lunch. The Federal Communications Commission is using it too for its approach to maintaining an open Internet.  According to a leak late last week via the Wall Street Journal, the FCC wants to please everyone and is thinking about a hybrid approach to net neutrality.

Wait, What’s Net Neutrality Again?

As described in one of our posts back in July, net neutrality is the idea that all Internet traffic should be treated equally, and preferential treatment should not be given to any one application, content, platform, etc. based on who pays for what.  In other words, you shouldn’t have to pay extra fees just to watch high-quality streams of your fave shows or movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime.  We’d like to stream the content of our choice sans that dreaded buffering circle without having to fork over any more $$$, please and thank you.  Still, not sure about net neutrality?  John Oliver is still your guy.

Standing Out from the Crowd…

Of the 3 million plus comments the FCC received from the public on its proposed Open Internet (aka net neutrality) rules, it seems like 2 submissions stood out and is seriously being considered by the FCC.  So, what are these submissions?  They come courtesy of Mozilla and DC-based non profit the Center for Democracy & Technology.  For months, DC policy folks have been throwing around terms like Title II, Section 706, and common carrier.  Basically, the gist of these proposals is to treat content flowing from Internet platforms to ISPs (“wholesale” transactions) differently from content flowing from ISPs to users (“retail” transactions).  While the retail part won’t be heavily regulated, the wholesale part will be subject to the FCC’s net neutrality rules.

Compromise Is Good, Right?

Not exactly.  No one seems to like where this is headed.  ISPs are still strongly opposed to what seems like pretty much anything short of leaving things just the way they are and avoiding reclassification of Internet services as a utility (just think telephones).  Those who are pro-net neutrality are concerned that this hybrid approach still leaves room for “paid prioritization,” the exact same concept net neutrality seeks to ban. In other words, there could still be room for you to get charged to watch that high quality streaming of House of Cards or OITNB. Oy!

What’s Next?

We’ll have to wait and see how things unfold between now and the end of the year.  Some speculate that it’s possible we’ll see proposed rules by December but others are thinking sometime in January. But in the meantime, there’s talk about how a new Congress will deal with this issue, how this will impact things like the Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger, and even the markets.  So much to think through …

What Else Is Going On This Week?

It’s Not You, But It’s Not Me Either …

Its just business.  This is what Taylor Swift is probably telling Spotify.  Last week, she was on top of the world with the release of her new album.  Then, she kicked out this week by announcing her world tour! But, you gotta take the good news with the bad. And, the bad news is that she also pulled her entire catalog of music from Spotify. Why? It may have to do with concerns about piracy as she did pen an WSJ Op-Ed on the issue back in July.  Needless to say, Spotify isn’t too pleased.

More Of The Same …

Amazon recently jumped in on the diversity dialogue and released numbers on the make up of its employees.  Turns out Amazon employees are mostly white males, particularly as you climb up the ranks into leadership.  The U.S. breakdown of workers is as follows: White  – 60%; Black – 18%; Asian – 13%, and Hispanic – 9%.

From Russia With No Love 

Last week, Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly came out as gay.  This should be “NBD,” but it’s the first time this has been done by a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  Almost everyone reacted positively and had nothing but kind words for Cook.  Russians, on the other hand, had a different reaction. In efforts to combat “gay propaganda,” a Steve Jobs memorial located in St. Petersburg in the form of a six feet plus iPhone monument has since been dismantled.

The Streets Are Talkin’

Google may or may not be looking for a new mission statement.  Larry Page, Google co-founder, recently told the Financial Times that the Internet company is probably due to update its mission statement.

Rumor has it that Apple Watch will be available in Spring 2015.

This past September, Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba went public. Today, it’s set to release its first earnings report. Some speculate that the company’s impressive growth will continue, and its revenue will probably increase about 45% from last year, totaling about $2.61 billion.  Things are looking good, but it could also face stiff competition from Tencent, a rival Chinese Internet holding company that owns a popular mobile messaging platform.