Virtual Skinny: Open Up!


Good to Know: Need to kill some time on a Friday? Google ‘solitaire’ or ‘tic-tac-toe’ and get your game on…Enjoy! 

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When You’re Doing An About-Face …

Messaging app WhatsApp was hell-bent on protecting its users privacy, but things change.

When You’re Not Selling Out Completely …

To be fair, WhatsApp isn’t completely going back on its word. It just announced that it’ll be sharing ‘limited data’ (including phone numbers) with Facebook, it’s parent company. In case you forgot, FB bought WhatsApp for a whooping US $22 billion back in 2014.

When You’re Not Sure Why This Is Happening …

There are a number of reasons for the change. Better friend suggestions is one … Getting better FB ads and just having a better experience with the app generally are others … And, even helping businesses offer better customer service is also on the list. In other words, WhatsApp need to make money.

When You’re Trying to Be Open …

WhatsApp understands that this privacy policy change doesn’t look good, but it wants users to know that it’s encryption game is still hella strong. But if you’d rather be excluded from this narrative all together, you’ve got a couple of options. You can opt-out right away or within a month if you’ve already agreed to the app’s new terms.



Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’?

This week, rapper Frank Ocean released his long, looooooooong awaited album called, Blonde. Ocean released his latest work independently and got his work to the masses via iTunes and Apple Music. Turns out this is a nightmare scenario for record labels. If artists aren’t happy with their record label contracts, what’s stopping them from putting out music on their own then turning to music streaming services for distribution? Well, the answer is nothing (assuming the artist is no longer under contract). Record labels are shaking in their boots. We’ve even heard that Universal Music Group is banning ‘streaming exclusives’ for its artists. Ocean’s the first to break away from a major record label and do something like this. Now the question is … Who’s next? Bey? Drake?  How much longer before music labels are a thing of the past?  


See Something, Say Something …

Before we all started hating EpiPen maker Mylan for it’s ridiculously high prices for the live-saving allergy treatment, actress Mellini Kantayya learned about the whole thing via her Facebook friends back in July. Kantayya launched an online petition called ‘Stop the EpiPen Price Gouging, which went viral. Then, others jumped in on the ‘social’ discussion. Robyn O’Brien, founder of, started the ‘EpiGate’ hashtag. And just like that, the #EpiGate turned into one of the biggest news stories of the summer. Never underestimate the power of social media…


Presidents and Wanna Be Presidents …

Check out this 11-minute video and President Obama’s Yosemite National Park visit in VR (formally known as virtual reality). The video is courtesy of Facebook-owned Oculus and VR content studio Felix and Paul Studios. Or skip the video and check out the President watching himself in VR. 

President Barack Obama watches a virtual reality film captured during his trip to Yosemite National Park earlier this year, in the Outer Oval Office, Aug. 24, 2016. Personal aide Ferial Govashiri sits at her desk at left. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
President Barack Obama watches a virtual reality film captured during his trip to Yosemite National Park earlier this year, in the Outer Oval Office, Aug. 24, 2016. Personal aide Ferial Govashiri sits at her desk at left. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

These days you gotta meet people where they are … That’s why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are forking over $$$ for ads on Snapchat. Video ads are where it’s at to reach America’s youth.

Cars You Drive and Those That Drive Themselves…

Somehow Uber managed to drain US $1.27 BILLION dollars in just 6 months. In Uber’s world, it’s literally a drop in the bucket. Price competition from Lyft and drivers’ subsidies are partly to blame. Speaking of Uber drivers, retirement plans are in their future (sort of). Uber’s linked up with robo-advisor Betterment to set up drivers with IRAs or Roth IRAs.

When you did it first … Singapore’s nuTonomy just became the first company to get the world’s first self-driving taxis on the road. Still in test mode but still a very big deal. Uber and Google are working on it but aren’t there yet. 

Add Amazon to the automotive list. It’s launched a new hub to help those in the market for new rides compare specs, prices, and get smart before making a purchase. It’s all about building that ‘automotive community.’

How to Avoid Being Hangry …

More on Amazon … It’s taking a cue from Walmart. Shop groceries with the online retailer and then pick up your loot at a nearby drive-in location. No more wasting time by waiting for those deliveries at your door. Yay! That’s the plan at least… Amazon’s still testing things out.  

Southern Global Hospitality…

It hasn’t been smooth sailing for home sharing service AirBnB as of late. It’s been dealing with some heavy subjects like racism and discrimination on the app. But, not every host on the app is a jerk. Over 300 hosts are taking in people for free that have been devastated by the natural disasters in Italy, Louisiana, and Cali. It’s all part of the company’s disaster response program. #GoodWork

Keep Me Entertained …

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. First Instagram, now Apple.  The iPhone maker is working on a video feature reminiscent of Snapchat.

Pandora just got a new partner, and it makes sense. The Root’s Questlove and the music streaming service are doing a lil collabo called “Questlove Supreme,” a weekly radio show. The ‘black nerd version of NPR’ kicks off on Sept. 7.

Introducing, a social network for all things concerts. 

So, North Korea’s apparently working on a Netflix-type service called ‘ManBang.’ Interesting move since a ton of North Korean citizens aren’t even allowed to access the InterWebs. Things that make you go hmmm…

So Not Entertaining …

Internet trolls truly outdid themselves this week. If you remember, not too long ago the Cincinnati Zoo had to unfortunately take down Harambe (one of its gorillas). People were outraged and started trolling not only the zoo but it’s director on social. Things got so bad, the zoo said ‘screw this, we’re out.’ It got off of social.  

Things went from bad to worse when we learned that also this week, Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones was hacked. It’s been a rollercoaster summer for the celeb who was the target of vicious racist attacks on Twitter. We thought things calmed down, but that was a mistake. Hackers got access to some explicit pics of Leslie and her passport info then posted them to her official website (complete with racial remarks). The website’s been taken down, other celebs rallied behind Leslie, and the Department of Homeland Security is investigating. #DoBetter 


Tech magazine Wired is losing another exec. Mark McClusky turned in his two-week notice and will be heading back to Sports Illustrated to run its digital division.

The Virtual Skinny: #GivingTuesday


Good to Know:  Today is World Aids Day. If you’re on Snapchat today, your Snaps could go a long way. Bono’s RED organization, which fights AIDS, is partnering with Snapchat on special filters. Apply one of their three filters to your Snaps, and Bill and Melinda Gates will pump US $3 into RED for each Snap sent. #GivingTuesday 


Shut It Down … 

This past Sunday, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) bowed out of collecting American’s phone records.

Wait, What? 

The NSA collecting phone records on millions of Americans was a thing until the USA Freedom Act came along. The act is the U.S. Congress’s solution to make things better after ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked info about the intelligence agency’s government surveillance practices. Part of the law requires that the NSA put an end to phone data collection in the name of protecting American’s privacy.

What’s the Catch? 

Just because the NSA is ending this practice, doesn’t mean that it’s also getting rid of some of the data already collected. See, the nonprofit organization Electronic Frontier Foundation is currently suing the NSA over whether its phone program was even legal in the first place. The NSA says a case can’t be made unless it holds onto some previously collected data. So for now, the NSA won’t be hitting “delete” on that info.  Those fighting for Americans’ privacy are concerned that the government will figure out ways around the law to continue collecting info about people’s domestic calls.


You Always Have Options … 

Getting financial institutions to lend money to people in emerging markets doesn’t quite work the same way as it would in “developed” worlds. Silicon Valley startups are on the case. These startups are looking at alternative data points collected via smartphones to help establish people’s creditworthiness in these markets.  Makes sense since mobile banking and smartphone adoption in areas like South Africa (34%), Kenya (15%), and Nigeria (27%) are on the up and up. Companies are looking at things like what time of day people are making phone calls, their texting behavior, their Facebook network, etc.  All of this sounds off privacy alarm bells for consumer advocates.  But, looks like people aren’t worried about that. Philanthropic investment firm Omidyar Network discovered that people in emerging markets will happily share that type of info in exchange for funds and lower interest rates. #Tradeoffs

It’s A Party, It’s A Party, It’s A Par-tay … 

Turns out that Argentina produces some pretty creative hackers, and tech companies are interested.  Rumor has it that business execs, government reps, contractors, etc. jetted off to the South American country this past October to scout out the talent during the 11th annual EkoParty, Latin America’s biggest hacking conference. Argentina’s hackers are turning their hobbies into profitable businesses by selling their exploitative tools as “spy tools” to governments like Iran.  Sometimes, it pays to be bad.


It’s holiday season, which means online retailer Amazon is grabbing headlines. The e-commerce company has a new hybrid drone prototype expected to make deliveries in about 30 minutes. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration seems supportive and is trying to be more flexible with commercial applications of the technology.

Facebook’s shopping feed is off to a rough start with limited product selection and browsing options. In a nutshell, there’s quite a bit of room for improvement.

Mobile technology company NextBit is on a Euro tour with its new Robin Android smartphone.  It’s all about the “cloud.”

Some Brazilians aren’t cool with people’s hateful online posts so they’ve come up with a deterrent. An Afro-Brazilian civil rights organization Criola is putting some of their fellow Brazilians’ offensive comments on blast via billboard displays in their neighborhoods. Yikes!


The Virtual Skinny: Snap Out of It!


Good to Know:  You may soon be able to access the Internet via light bulbs aka Li-Fi. Btw, Happy Cyber Monday!


Lies, Fairytales, & Fallacies …

Or maybe not? The topic of climate change is bringing 45,000 people including about 150 world leaders alongside business people, young people, and celebrities like actor Sean Penn, etc. to Paris.  This is the 21st annual gathering, and some attendees seem a bit more jaded than others (looking at you, scientists). 

Climate Change? What Does That Even Mean?

You know what it is … It’s rocking your summer gear when you should really be bundled up. In other words, it’s comes down to significant, unusual weather changes in a particular location. These changes are said to be due to things like increased carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions.

Is there An End-Game?

At the end of the United Nation’s two-week long pow wow, leaders like U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping etc. are hoping this one goes down in the history books. They want people to know that climate change is the real deal by potentially signing off on climate change agreements.  Things like clean energy investment and fossil fuel reduction are on the check list.  Did you know that more efficient batteries could help steer us away from a fossil fuel “addiction?” Also of note: People are watching India because it’ll be the new China pretty soon.  

squad goals … 

Tech genius turned philanthropist Bill Gates is ready to pony up US $1 billion dollars out of his personal funds to help back a multi-billion dollar clean energy effort. Project Name? The Breakthrough Energy Coalition. The coalition ultimately wants to help fund research that can solve the world’s clean energy problem.  If governments get on board and allocate cash money to this area, Gate says he’ll fork over even more money, and others will likely join him.  Like who? Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Alibaba’s Jack Ma, LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman, etc. are on board. 


Baby, I Swear It’s “Déjà Vu!”

In the U.S. this week (December 4), the free and open Internet is back in court. Well actually, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will once again have to defend its latest net neutrality rules against U.S. telecom companies. Net neutrality is the idea that all Internet traffic should be treated equally, and people should be able to access whatever they want, whenever they want online.  Telecom companies say the latest rules are crap and could harm their investment in broadband. They want these rules thrown out. This has happened twice before, and let’s just say it hasn’t gone well for the FCC each time. Everyone’s looking at federal judge David Tatel, who is one of three judges that will preside over the case.  Tatel presided over the last two cases as well, but people are saying this doesn’t necessarily mean that the FCC will take the “L” on this for the third time. 

When You Want More Responsibility… 

Will negotiations ever end? The U.S. and European Union (EU) are still locked in discussions on what a new data transfer agreement will look like moving forward. Previously, an old agreement called the U.S-EU Safe Harbor guided how American and European companies traded EU citizen’s data across the Atlantic (e.g., company data like human resource info or user data picked up by Internet companies). The EU trashed the old agreement because a court felt that the U.S. government just didn’t care about EU citizen’s privacy. The latest proposal is to increase the role of EU Member States’ privacy regulators when it comes to Europeans complaining about how companies are invading their privacy. This is just one issue of many that both sides need to figure out by the end of January 2016. Tick, tock … 


Yesterday, U.S. NBA star Kobe Bryant took us back to 1999 when he attempted to get into the rap game.  He tweeted his retirement from basketball after the current season. Rhymes were involved.  

South African conglomerate Naspers, Ltd. is taking on U.S. video streaming service Netflix’s international expansion. Naspers’ answer to Netflix is called Showmax, which will soon be available across Europe, North America, and Australasia. 

According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 3.2 billion people across the globe now have access to the Interwebs (most of these people prefer to get online via mobile phones) … If you don’t know, now you know … 

“OMG, I’m literally dying” … “yasssssss” …. “I just can’t!” The New York Times is doing the most (aka trying too hard) by attempting to analyze how Millennials exaggerate online. 

Last week, Americans celebrated Thanksgiving. People ate and shopped online in excess. Who needs to duke it out in a store like these people when you can jump on your phone? Smartphone shopping is becoming a regular thing.