Virtual Skinny: Pokemon Go To The Polls…


Good to Know:  Hillary Clinton had jokes at a campaign rally in Virginia. She dropped this doozy on the crowd, “I don’t know who created ‘Pokemon Go’  … But, I try to figure out how we get them to have Poke-mon Go-To-The-Polls.” Good one, Hillz! Don’t worry. Google’s got you. Search “register to vote,” and Google will make things easy by returning details on the process, requirements, and deadlines to register. 


When Chaos Ensues …

As if the world isn’t already a crazy place, part of Turkey’s military took it up a notch late last week and had plans to overtake the country’s current government.

When You’re Old School…

Turns out that faction of the military botched the whole operation. How? Well, they took an old school approach involving shutting down roads, trying to take over parliament, and attempting to capture President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. They also ‘tried it’ by taking over traditional media outlets (e.g., the country’s state-run television).


When You Forget About The Other Options …

Turns out the military forgot about this little thing called social media. But who can blame them? Turkey’s aversion to social media is well-documented as it’s tried to block citizens’ access to social media in the past. But, in a fantastically ironic move, President Erdogan reached the masses by tweeting and updating his Facebook status. He even had his people communicating via WhatsApp and addressed the nation via FaceTime. He encouraged citizens to take to the streets and fight back. The coup failed; but unfortunately, 294 people lost their lives.  


When People Are Giving You #SideEye …

Last week, Facebook (FB) put out numbers on how it’s doing in the diversity department. Well, the company still tilts heavily towards white and Asian employees (52 percent and 38 percent, respectively). #Shocker #NotReally The company’s head of global diversity pulled a “what had happened was” and blamed FB’s lack of progress on the public school system. Basically, FB is sticking to the “pipeline” story since computer science isn’t a required class in many public high schools. But, people aren’t buying what FB is selling. Silicon Valley vet and director of engineering at Slack Leslie Miley is calling B.S. Well, his exact words were that FB’s story is “f*@#% insulting.” Miley says all FB can simply change up its recruitment process. 

When Your Bounceback Game Is Strong like pokemon…

Thinking of launching a startup? Don’t give up. Venture capitalists are still doling out dolla dolla bills to back certain companies, but you’ve just gotta meet a higher standard these days. Investors shelled out $15.3 billion to startups between April and May of this year. Looks like software companies are investors new faves. ProTip: Don’t describe your upstart as the ‘Uber or Facebook’ of pretty much anything. 


Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer is likely on her way out. She’s allegedly not making key decisions when it comes to selling the company. If and when she does leave, it’ll cost the company a pretty penny. 

The Bumble dating app let’s women make the first move in a world of swiping left or right, but ‘Ohlala’ is allowing women to make a bit of change for a night out. The German app is all about “instant paid dating.” Some say it’s the “Uber for escorts” while others says it’s the “TaskRabbit for emotional labor.” #TomatoTomahto … 


The #KimExposesTaylorParty kicked off last night on Twitter. Then, T-Swift cried over spilt tea. Wildly entertaining, but it calmed down just in time for us to get serious on #NelsonMandelaDay. In honor of the day, tell us:  What would you do to change the world?

Virtual Skinny: Did You Hear?


Good to Know: It’s that time of year again … Valentine’s Day is coming up. Dating apps are changing this up.  Here’s 5 of them


When You Listen to Kanye West who took advice from “50”…

Twitter’s switchin’ its style up to hopefully watch its money pile up.

When You Make Things Easy … 

Following reports last week from BuzzFeed, the micro-blogging site is in fact making changes to its timeline.  But, it’s not what you think. To clear the air, no Twitter isn’t turning into Facebook so we can all cool it with the #RIPTwitter hashtags.

When You Step away for a hot minute … 

Some Twitter users follow many, many people. But, who really has time to check tweets all day? Twitter doesn’t want its users to miss the good stuff so it’s making two very similar but different changes. First up, the company will start placing more tweets at the top of users’ timelines (personalized, of course). And second, when users launch their Twitter apps, they’ll be greeted with the “best” tweets right out the gate. Confusing, but we’ll figure it out.

Keep ‘Em Coming Back For More …

Turns out CEO Jack Dorsey couldn’t do much to up Twitter’s user numbers (305 million monthly users) at the end of 2015. The company knows that it needs to make the platform more user-friendly, but it’s a work in progress.



When Cam Newton Isn’t The Only “Sore Loser…”

The Indian government dealt Facebook a blow earlier this week when it put the kibosh on the social network’s Free Basics program.  The effort was intended to help spread Internet access across India by offering a bare bones version of the Web (the technical term is zero-rating). Civil societies in India opposed the program and turns out that their advocacy game is strong. Ultimately, the Indian government essentially banned the program. The Zuck put out a statement expressing his disappointment in the decision but also his commitment to the country. Reports speculate that this decision could potentially negatively impact the company. But before we even get there, the Zuck had to put out yet another statement distancing himself from one of his board members, Marc Andreessen. What did Andreessen say? Let’s just say he referenced colonialism in a tweet convo … Yikes! Many people were understandably upset … Andreessen has since apologized …


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When You Don’t Play By The Rules … 

Parker Conrad, Co-Founder and CEO of online HR software company Zenefits, is back in the market for a new job. The company grew pretty quickly and became a $4.5 billion in almost no time.But turns out, things don’t work out when you cut corners. The startup operates in the highly regulated industry of insurance, but the company wasn’t exactly on the up and up with compliance, licensing, etc.  The company wants to get right with its paperwork and processes so now Parker’s out, and the company’s Chief Operating Officer David Sacks is in


FBI Director James Comey wants people to know that the U.S. government doesn’t want special access to your devices. No, not at all.  Comey said they’d rather just have companies like Apple, Google and Facebook to keep your encrypted data just in case the government needs it. *Head Tilt* While we’re talking encryption, two members of the U.S. Congress just introduced a bill that would ban states from passing laws, which would prevent manufacturers from encrypting smartphones. New York and California have already seen these type of proposals. Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) don’t this is exactly feasible so they’re trying to stop the madness.



HBO came out with its HBO NOW streaming service for all you cordcutters, but things aren’t picking up like people thought it would. The service only has 800,000 subscribers.

Verizon Communications is in the market for another Internet company.  Looking at you, Yahoo.

Unlike Kenya’s government, Hungary is showing ride hailing app service Uber no love. The country’s considering banning the app.

kimmy k

Wanna step your selfie game up to Kardashian status? Easy … Just pony up US $55 for a Lumee lighting phone case.

Seems like everyone and their moms is on WhatsApp. But, Pope Francis does want he wants. He’s opting for messaging app Telegram to reach out to young peeps during Lent.

The Virtual Skinny: One Day …


Good to Know: Earlier this week, the White House got itself its very own Snapchat account.  If you haven’t quite mastered the app like DJ Khaled, here’s a 101 guide on how to get there. #BlessUp … But be careful, even DJ Khaled has screwed up while snapchatting (US $80K gone in 30 seconds) … Ouch! 


When Growing Up Isn’t So Hard to Do … 

Seventy million subscribers and available in more than 540 million households across the globe … Online streaming video service Netflix is growing like gangbusters.

When You’ve Gotta Watch Your Back … 

Netflix may now appear as a mere blip in the broader content radar, but traditional media moguls should be worried … very worried. The New York Times advises that media execs should give Netflix’s potential some serious thought while at Davos, an annual pow wow of the who’s who in politics and business that’s happening next week.


Well, the company’s been pouring a ridiculous amount of money into producing its own original content and decided to expand globally in just one day.  Most people believe this approach should’ve failed, but Netflix seems to be defying the odds. It’s strategy seems to be working well. The company’s being compared to the early days of e-commerce company Amazon. Apparently, back in the day, some people thought Amazon’s unconventional approach would fail too.

Haters Gonna Hate … 

As Netflix’s growth continues, naysayers don’t think it’ll be able to keep subscription prices for its content low. One skeptic thinks that the best Netflix can do is to reach a “modestly profitable business, just not a spectacular one.” Others beg to differ. They’re thinking more content down the line. Perhaps a Netflix-owned studio? And, dare we say theme-parks?


In More News … 

As Netflix expands, some countries aren’t quite sure what to do with the service. And by some countries, we mean Kenya. Regulators in the East African country can’t seem to agree on whether Netflix is like old school television or more like YouTube or Facebook.  If it’s the former, Netflix can expect some of its content to be censored if the government flags it as “inappropriate.”

When The Discussion Takes A Sharp Left … 

The World Bank recently put out a report on the Internet and its impact on the global economy.  The bank didn’t hold back and is basically telling people not to buy into the Internet-hype. According to the report, everything’s not all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to the Internet’s economic and societal benefits. Turns out digital technologies are creating more of a division between the haves and the have-nots. Whether the Internet will play a positive role, ultimately comes down to the country and its governance system. The World Bank is piping up during an interesting time – just as Internet companies are pushing to bring access to less developed areas.

What You’re Not Gonna Do Is … 

Egypt’s government is playing no type of games when it comes to protests leading up to the fifth anniversary of the Arab Spring uprising against the country’s then-leader Hosni Mubarak. The Egyptian government just arrested some people for allegedly using Facebook to incite more protests. If you’ll remember, back in 2011, people turned to Facebook and Twitter to organize and protest before the country shut down access to the social platforms. The current government doesn’t want a repeat so they’re taking action to shut down channels for protests (including cultural centers).


U.S. election season is in full swing, and civic platform is out with a new service – Change Politics.  The goal? Get educated on where candidates stand on certain positions and even pose questions to them directly if that’s what you fancy.

New dating app ideas are a dime a dozen these days. The latest? “Once” will attempt to use the beat of your heart to help you find the one. FitBit or Android Wear device not included but necessary.

Snapchat needs more people … You know, it needs to compete with the Instagrams of the world. So, it’s trying to woo people over 35.

Speaking of competition, new app Upshot is moving into Snapchat territory.  It’s basically Snapchat for events. You can privately share pics of a night out with friends, and they’ll disappear after a week.

Twitter is integrating live stream videos from Periscope into your tweet timeline now …

Making moves … SurveyMonkey’s got a new CEO, Zander Lurie – formerly of GoPro … Google nabs Caroline Atkinson, President Obama’s Economic Advisor, to lead its global policy team … More Yahoo VPs dip out on the company.