Google Introduces “Spaces”

The late singer Aaliyah said, “if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.” And after the lukewarm reception of Google+, Google is doing just that when it comes to being “social.”

The company just announced Spaces, a new app that the company says will bring “people together instantly to share around any topic.” Since the app will be linked to other Google products like Search, YouTube, and Chrome, it’ll be easy to find and share content (i.e., articles, videos, and images) all within the app. The word on the street is that the app is pretty user-friendly, only requiring a single tap to launch a new space for your group chat.

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Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and general group sharing apps are ramping up worldwide. Fun Fact: In 2015, about 75 percent of Internet users worldwide accessed messaging services on mobile devices.

We’re all looking for ways to stay connected and keep up with each other. So, now seems like a good time for Google to get into the social game with a new product. You can get the Spaces app today (available on Android, iOS, desktop, and mobile web for Gmail accounts).

What do you think? Will you be trading in Messenger or WhatsApp for Spaces?


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