Facebook Goes After Your Coins on Messenger

And By ‘Coins,’ We Mean Money Transfers on Messenger 

Facebook Messenger just thought of a new way to remind you when you owe someone money. According to the The Verge, the social network is testing out what we’re calling a new ‘pay back feature.’


Here’s how it works: Let’s say you’re chatting with your friend about a recent night out. During the convo, someone drops words like ‘IOU’ or ‘ you owe me.’ Facebook’s feature with the help of chat assist and machine learning will pick up on those words or similar phrases.  The feature will then prompt you or your friend to make a payment right then and there.  While the feature does this automatically, it’s up to each party to decide whether they want to settle their debts right there on Messenger or keep their ‘IOU’ status a bit longer.

Just another sign that Facebook’s trying to get deep into the payments game. The company didn’t stop there. It’s also introduced group chat polling to help planning nights out with friends a bit easier.  Turn all the way up tonight or do something more chill and low-key? That could be the question.

U.S. Facebook users are in luck because both features are only available Stateside – for now.

What do you think? Good move by FB or completely unnecessary? Tell us what you think in the comments or take our poll!

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