Virtual Skinny: Life on Planet Mars…


Good to Know: President Obama says if NASA has anything to do with it, we’ll be on Mars by 2030. 


When A Good Thing Comes to An End …

South Korean smartphone maker Samsung decided to end marketing and production of its high-end Galaxy Note 7 smartphone (except in China). Such a shame, it was a fan fave.

When You Have No Other Choice…

For weeks now, we’ve heard horror stories of malfunctioning Galaxy Note 7s (e.g., exploding phones on planes). The company recalled about 2.5 million phones thinking that’d solve everything. It didn’t. Some replacement phones still went up in flames. 

When Things Don’t Go According to Plan …

The Galaxy Note 7 was Samsung’s answer to Apple’s high-end iPhones. Now that production has ended on the phones, this throws a serious wrench in Samsung’s financial plans. And by that we mean, this whole ordeal could cost the company US $17 billion and ruin its brand reputation.

When Things Are Unclear …

Samsung hasn’t figured out the issue just yet. The company thought it was a battery problem. But, that wasn’t the case. Malfunctions could have something to do with rushed production and the number of features crammed onto the phone to compete with iPhones. Moral of the story: Quality takes time.  

When They’ll Move On This…  

The holiday season is coming, which is when people usually update their phones. People want large-screen phones these days. Samsung’s got nothing to offer this year but Apple (iPhone 7) and Google’s Pixel are viable options. #Cha-Ching


When You’re Down in the Dumps…

Twitter’s future is unclear. At first, CEO Jack Dorsey didn’t want to sell the company to the highest bidder. But, reports say that he may be changing his mind. Potential buyers like Google, Apple, and Disney slowly backed away from a potential deal. But, Salesforce is still interested. While Salesforce and Twitter talk numbers, Twitter employee’s morale is all the way down. Some have even stopped showing up to work all together.  Jack just sent around an internal memo to boost employee’s spirits but no mention of a potential sale in his note.

voteWhen this is still planet earth…

This past Sunday’s U.S. presidential debate left many of us feeling like we were in another world. And, alleged Russian hacks in the form of email leaks are definitely stirring things up this election season. U.S. officials are worried that it’ll give people the perception that actual ballot boxes are also susceptible to hacks. Turns out, that’s almost impossible since the process is decentralized and is mainly offline. Perception isn’t always reality.


Dating app Hinge  just hit the ‘do-over’ button. It’s rebranded as a ‘relationship app.’ It wants users’ to swipe right for real, solid relationships. It’ll cost US $7/ month.  

Do it for the kids … U.S. telecom company Sprint is giving away one million wireless devices and service to underrepresented high school students to help ‘bridge the digital divide.’ It’s called the ‘1Million Project.’

Amazon doesn’t want to say ‘these [students] ain’t loyal.” It’s offering college students Amazon Prime benefits for US $50/year (half the normal prime price). The hope is that Amazon Prime Student turns college kids into lifelong customers.

Facebook just launched two major things: (1) Workplace, which is basically Facebook for businesses to compete against Slack. Don’t worry your personal and work accounts will be kept separate.  (2) A standalone events app.  

Google wants to make its new Google Home assistant relatable and personable so the company’s hiring creatives from places like Pixar and The Onion.

Movie company IMAX is opening its first virtual reality theater in Europe. It’ll be in Manchester, England to be exact. There’ll be ‘pods’ for single or multiple users.


AOL’s top global sales exec Jim Norton is dipping out on the company before the Verizon-Yahoo deal goes down. Norton is headed to media company Condé Nast. 

Former corporate development head for Twitter and Square Rishi Garg is joining Mayfield, a venture capital firm, as an investing partner. His focus will be on consumer companies generally (social and fintech companies included). 

Virtual Skinny FinTech: Stick the Landing



When You Stick to the Plan …

Even though Britain said yes to Brexit, it’s still got lofty goals to be the center of all things fintech. (BTW, Brexit means that time Britain voted to leave the European Union then immediately regretted it).

When You Keep On Keeping on…

Two years. That’s how long it’ll take for Britain to exit stage left (if it actually happens). It’s also the deadline that Britain’s Competition Market Authority (CMA) is giving British banks to stop being stingy with their customers’ data.

When You Know What’s Up…

CMA is very aware that bank fees can be…excessive. Customers are paying up but aren’t getting what they deserve. Enter fintech companies. CMA is drinking the ‘fintech koolaid’ and wants banks to share customer data with fintech startups and third party apps. Bank customers must approve first of course.

When ‘Many People Are Saying It…’

CMA thinks by 2018, fintech will not only help save British bank customers money and get them better services but also earn the economy the top spot in “fintech” around the world.

When You Need to Watch Your Back…

About that Brexit thing. No one knows exactly how Britain saying ‘bye’ to the EU will play out. But, Germany’s taking full advantage. It’s on a full on recruitment mode to get fintech companies based in London to hop on over to Deutschland. Do you blame them?


Lies, Fairytales, and Fallacies…

Chip and pin cards (we’ve covered this; those cards you dip instead of swipe) were supposed to protect us from thieves. But, it’s not as safe as you think. Payment technology company NCR just unveiled a way for fraudsters to still get at your money. Apparently, they’ve used their genius for evil to figure out how to make chip cards seem cardless. Then, it’s off to the races. Retailers are thinking, ‘more reason not to buy those EMV card reader machines.’ But, it’s not all a lost cause, even with this security flaw, chip and pin cards are still slightly safer than regular ole swipe cards



Thanks to Square Capital aka Square’s lending business, the company’s stock is wayyy up. It should feel blessed. Square Capital doles out loans to the company’s existing merchants in exchange for a piece of merchants’ sales. It’s all love all around (for now). Merchants love that they can get loans fast (within a few days) and low default rates. Investors love it too. But, to keep growing, Square Capital will have to do something else (e.g., handing over $$$ to non-Square merchants). 

The war on cash in Boston is on its way. Boston area eateries like Sweet Green, Amsterdam Falafelshop, and Clover Food trucks want to go cash-less. They’ve picked up on the trend that young people are choosing plastic over paper when it comes to payment.cashless But, a little known law in Massachusetts makes it illegal to turn down cash. The law and how it’s enforced is all very wishy-washy. But, seems like shops are willing to take the risk. 

Been Around the World, Uh Huh 

India’s mobile phone game is strong (smartphones are up 220 million making it the second largest market in the world). Should be good news for financial inclusion but not so much. Not many rural and underbanked folks are using their phones for banking or payment. And, taxes for use aren’t helping. But, the Indian government won’t be giving up on this. 

The Nigerian Central Bank likes to walk the road less traveled when it comes to remittances (transferring money across borders from one country to another). The rest of the world wants to cut down costs on remittances. But, no. Not Nigeria. It’s going the opposite way. No secret that Nigeria’s economy is struggling. So to ‘maintain the exchange rate’ it’s up-ing the price on remittances. 

In other news dealing with the continent, the Brookings Institute (U.S. think tank) says more regulations protecting consumers will help grow financial inclusion and innovation in countries like Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Rwanda and Nigeria. Interesting since, a lack of banking regulations is a major reason money transfer service M-PESA is a success in Kenya … 

Australia’s postal service is looking to the future. It’s looking into applying blockchain technology to the mail – mainly for identity reasons. 

8.3.2016 – Virtual Skinny FinTech: Move It or Lose It


Good to Know: We want to get your thoughts. Take our poll below! 


When You Can’t Beat ‘Em …

Join ‘em. Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, Bank of America, and US Bank are all jumping on the instant cash bandwagon.

When You Don’t Really Have A Choice …

Their hands have been forced. In the U.S., moving money between bank accounts is slow AF. Mobile services like PayPal’s Venmo and Square Cash handled the issue…Customers love it … Now U.S. banks don’t want to get left behind. 

When Your Age is Showing …

Banks have tried to pull an Instagram by offering their very own money transfer apps. Think Chase QuickPay. But, it isn’t quite the same ‘copy and paste’ job Instagram just pulled on Snapchat (read more on that later this week in our Internet & Tech edition).  They want customers to believe that their apps are just as ‘hip and cool’ as the Venmos of the world with the help of star-power ads. But, some people aren’t buying it.

When You’re Not Leading From Behind…

The U.S. is playing ‘follow the leader’ with the rest of the world when it comes to faster payments. Note to self: The U.S. is doing the following. So, the Federal Reserve Board’s ‘Faster Payments Committee’ is telling banks to ‘pick up the pace’ on money transfers.

When You Need to Make A Move …

Meanwhile everyone and their moms in the financial ecosystem (including financial OGs like Mastercard and Visa) are in an arms race to build the “payments network of the future.” Mastercard snatched up a huge chunk of Vocalink, a UK biz with a mobile and internet payment network, and Visa’s strategically linked up with Paypal.

When You’re Just Happy to be Here …  

Since people are still using the cash money and writing checks, there’s lots of opportunity to get in on the instant payments action. It won’t be easy for banks to catch up with Venmo and other peer-to-peer apps that are hybrid payment and social platforms. But, at least U.S. banks are making moves.


Now that banks are stepping up their instant payments game, are you willing to give up your current money transfer app (i.e., Venmo, Square Cash, etc) and give your bank’s app a go?


Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That …

The U.S. is still trying to get consumers to dip their credit cards rather than swipe them. Turns out chip and pin cards aka EMV cards aka cards that keep us waiting at checkout for life are way more secure and help cut back on fraud. That’s great and all, but we hear that making just two purchases daily for a year with an EMV card adds up. It’s literally 85 minutes of our lives that we’ll never get back just waiting to check out. No bueno! Even retailers want to avoid installing EMV card readers because long lines aren’t good for biz. Only 28% of all U.S. merchants require dips v. swipes. Shopping at places that take Apple, Android, or Samsung Pay may be a better, faster option. Meanwhile, some of us will continue to struggle with the process.

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And The Winner Is…

We hope China’s been practicing it’s surprise face and pageant wave. The U.S. Department of Commerce just crowned Asia’s largest economy as the 2017 Fintech Leader. Expect China to lead the world in payment exports. 

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word …

Banks in Africa are are like that ex who took you for granted but now wants to make things right. Sure, they did the basics like setting up infrastructure but didn’t go the extra mile to take care of everyone’s needs. Banks on the continent dropped the ball on figuring out mobile money services and left potential bankers out of the loop. Now that fintech startups have stepped in to offer way better services that can help way more people, the banks are seeing the error of their ways. To right their wrongs, banks are teaming up with startups like MFS Africa and Nomanini to reach untraditional young consumers.


Hong-Kong based Bitcoin exchange Bitfinex told us its system had been compromised. Like thieves in the night, hackers allegedly made off with a cool US $65 million in real money. The exchange is looking into the breach. In the meantime, Bitcoin’s value dropped by 7.8 percent earlier this week.

China’s got a trust problem with its charity organizations. Alibaba’s CEO Jack Ma wants to use blockchain technology to make sure charities are using donations for the right purposes. Alibaba’s Ant Financial is leading the effort on this. Transparency FTW …

The charity world is pretty old school when it comes to donations. It’s all about those cash money donations. But, you can only give what you have. So, if people are short on dolla bills, charities are SOL. DipJar wants to change that up by allowing people to donate with credit or debit cards for “impulsive, on-the-spot giving.”

While Alibaba’s trying to figure out this blockchain situation, IBM seems to be way ahead of them. The tech company is all set to kick off the first major implementation of the technology for its business. IBM’s figured out how to use the technology to settle financial disputes between partners and customers. #NBD

One last thing on the checkout process, Venmo’s no longer for just easily reimbursing your friends. It’s branching out into checkout services for retail apps. Buying things you probably don’t need just got easier…

Virtual Skinny FinTech Ed: Trending …


Good to Know:  Dr. Craig Wright was trending on social media earlier this week. The Australian entrepreneur claims that his alias is Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of virtual currency bitcoin. Some people are giving him major side eye, but he allegedly has “extraordinary proof.”  Apparently, he’s got receipts.  



When You’ve Moved Onto Something Else …

Dr. Craig Wright had the Interwebs abuzz. But at this week’s Consensus 2016 conference in New York City, execs said yawn. Newsflash: They don’t care about bitcoin.

When You’re TRENDING…

Bitcoin is out. But, the blockchain (bitcoin’s underlying technology aka a huge public ledger that records all bitcoin transactions) is in.

When You’re Not Sure What To Do …

For now, bitcoin as a virtual currency is the only application that works across the globe via the blockchain.  But, we could see other applications popping up as fintech startups and major tech companies like IBM and Microsoft are working on different apps for the blockchain.  How fast these experiments turn into something real comes down to one question: Small scale projects or moonshots? In other words, do companies want to take on a major project all at once or take their time with small-scale stuff?

When You’re Curious …

What’s the better approach? Working on small, achievable applications or taking the risk and shooting for the stars? Tell us in the comments!


Keeping It on the D.L…

While many financial peeps gathered this week in NYC, a select group including NASDAQ, Citigroup Inc., Visa Inc., Fidelity, Fiserv Inc., Pfizer Inc., had a pow-wow on the down low back in April.  Yes, there was talk of the blockchain. But, we heard that digital U.S. dollars as an alternative to virtual coins like bitcoin came up too.  Fiserv Inc. even created a digital dollar for show and tell.


CBS 60 Minutes Lesley Stahl talked fintech on this past Sunday’s episode.  She sat down with John and Patrick Collison, Irish brothers and co-founders of payments company Stripe. The whole point of the company is to allow small businesses to get their online payments from anywhere in the world hassle-free. Check it out here.



Young people are into their Venmo app, and the numbers prove it. It’s grown 154 percent from last year.



Young people may heart Venmo, but the U.S. Federal Trade Commission won’t be saying “Venmo, me.”  The agency, which is responsible for making sure businesses are on the up and up with their practices, is looking into the PayPal-owned, peer-to-peer payment service for “unfair and deceptive” practices.  BTW, Venmo would appreciate if U.S. users stayed clear of using words like “Syria” and “Cuba” on Venmo on account of it’s still illegal to send money to those countries.

San Francisco startup Varo Inc. is building mobile banking app complete with deposit accounts, budgeting tools, and other services.  For now, it’s looking to partner with banks but eventually wants to be a bank of its own.  New U.S. bank these days? Don’t see that every day.

Android Pay is now an official payment options for your Uber rides.

Virtual Skinny FinTech Edition: The Block Is Hot …


Good to Know:  “ We are actively exploring these issues and their implications.”U.S. Securities and Exchange Chairwoman Mary Jo White putting everyone on notice that she gets that blockchain tech is en fuego and her agency’s got its regulatory eye out. 



When You’re Not About Empty Threats …

Payments company PayPal had plans to set up shop (costing US $3.6 million) in North Carolina (NC). But, not anymore. It’s put the kibosh on that.

When You Need To Get Caught Up …

NC is pretty committed to what could be called its new LGBT discrimination law. Back in March, NC passed a law preventing cities from protecting the LGBT community and banning transgender people from using restrooms or locker rooms for the gender not listed on their birth certificates.

When You Don’t Listen …

The company’s CEO Dan Schulman joined a letter with over 80 other tech execs. The letter listed all the reasons why the then-bill was not a good look. The execs even warned that quality professionals would peace out of the state.

When You’re Back On the Market …

NC ignored the letter, passed the bill anyway, and now PayPal (and other projects) are back on the market and are looking for alternative locations.  NC, say goodbye to what would have been 400 new jobs and US $3.6 million, at the very least…


Still DEL(ly) From The Block …

The U.S. state of Delaware is a fan of the blockchain.  State governor Jack Markell just let the cat out the bag on what the state is calling “the Delaware Blockchain Initiative.”  It’s the state’s way of saying to businesses incorporated there that they need to get up-close and personal with distributed ledgers and smart contract technologies. Kind of a big deal. BTW, if you want to hear more details on this from Markell, catch him giving the keynote at this year’s Consensus 2016 conference, which will be held from May 2- May 4, 2016 in the concrete jungle where dreams are made of…


Check out all the fintech startups for all your banking needs …



When money goes social … PayPal-owned Venmo is now a thing with young people.  And, it’s not all about the money. They just want to know what their friends are getting into on the app.

Owe your co-workers some coins? With the help of startup Current, workplace messaging app Slack will soon offer money transfer services to help you settle your office debt.

The British government just gave the go ahead to Boston-based startup Circle. In other words, for the first time, the government has given an electronic money license to a virtual currency company.  London … Building its Innovation Hub one fintech startup at a time.

Speaking of building empires … Amazon is looking to make some fintech-related purchases.

Virtual Skinny FinTech Ed: Back At It Again With The …


Good to Know: Calling all FinTech social entrepreneurs! If you’re working on solving the financial inclusion problem, Village Capital’s: US FinTech 2016 business-training program is for you.  Learn more here and apply here. Hurry! You’ve got until April 3, 2016. 


When It’s Time To Regulate On ‘Em …

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), a top U.S. banking regulator, thinks it’s time for some rules around the growing financial technology (fintech) industry. Traditional banks and fintech startups are here for it.

When You’re For It, Just For Different Reasons …

Traditional banks have long been regulated and want competing startups to join the regulatory party. Startups don’t mind because they actually want to play by new rules so they create and innovate without having to watch their backs like no one’s biz. Could be a win-win?

When It’s Hard to Lead From Behind …

Other countries like the UK have already made moves to put in place a more fintech-friendly regulatory framework (e.g., the UK now allows what it calls the “sandbox model” aka a fancy way to say it lets startups experiment under the government’s watch).  U.S. regulators now want to get on their level…

When You’re Finna Do Something …

Other U.S. regulators have published papers and conferenced on fintech, but the OCC is taking it one step further. On Thursday (Mar. 31), it’ll publish its very own white paper on “responsible innovation” intended to get people running their mouths on the best way to put together new rules and processes. Top issue for discussion? A more systematic way for consumers to complain about new products and services.


What’s HIGER Than Being #1?

Japan thinks Asia needs to be the top dog when it comes to blockchain technology.  So, the country is doing its part to get there.  Japan’s got some strict banking laws, but it’s willing to dial things back to encourage more investment in its fintech sector.  The country’s banking regulator, the Financial Services Authority, are putting new laws re virtual currency exchanges on the table. Authorities think that changing the laws will be a good look for its fintech industry.  More collabos between banks and fintech ventures are on deck with these changes (e.g., giving banks the go-ahead to buy stakes in non-finance related companies).

When You’ve Been Traded In For A Younger (FinTech) Model …

Bitcoin could be so yesterday.  The virtual currency and its network are about to be replaced by Ethereum aka Bitcoin 2.0.  Ethereum is taking advantage of the ongoing fight over software within the Bitcoin community.  Things are looking up for the new virtual currency on the block.  Its price is up 1000% just in the past three months, companies like IBM, Microsoft, and JP Morgan Chase are drinking the Ethereum Kool-Aid, and people think it’s better than Bitcoin.  Apparently, it’s not just about its virtual currency network. It can do things like execute smart contracts or programmable transactions. Oh, and not to mention, people have already created applications for it (e.g., managing and paying for electricity, betting on sports, and not so legit things like Ponzi schemes).  It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s some concern about Ethereum’s potential security problems.


FinTech brought in the doll-ah doll-ah bills in Feb. 2016. We’re talkin’ $1.5 billion in financing…

fintech chart


How do you reach millennials during tax season? Get Instagram star Pierce Thiot, responsible for the “Will It Beard” trend, to stick money in his beard. Just the latest attempt for small companies (Fishback Tax) and larger ones to reach millennials and their cash. #TaxSwag

Speaking of millennials, roboadvisor company Betterment just raked in US $100 Mill to bulk up on new products and services (retirement guides and account aggregation), which it thinks will attract young peeps.

Will Facebook soon let us make in-app purchases? Potentially. Code has been discovered within Facebook Messenger that’s got people talkin’.

Swiss banks want a mobile payments platform for the country. They’re chatting with retailers on how to make it happen.

Startup Purse wants to be the Bitcoin marketplace version of Etsy. Introducing Purse Markets. Sell anything on the platform in exchange for some virtual coins.

MIT’s Digital Currency Initiative is offering up $100k in scholarship to boost under-repped minorities and women at Consensus 2016, NY-based conference on virtual currency and blockchain technology.

Virtual Skinny FinTech Ed: When It Rains, It Pours …


Keep Spreading the Word:  We’d appreciate if you’d tell your friends to get in on our FinTech weekly action.  They can sign up here


When People Are Coming For You … 

The European Union (EU) wants to do more to track how funds are transferred among terrorists.  Looking at you, Bitcoin (and prepaid cards).

Please Tell Me More …

After the Paris terrorist attacks in November 2015, the European Commission (being pushed by France) is focused on Bitcoin and prepaid cards for one main reason: identity. Using these services is a good way for bad guys (or anyone really) to hide financial transactions because it’s hard to uncover people’s identities.

When You’ve Already Got Summer Plans … 

The Commission plans to pitch some new rules by the end of June 2016 that would make users reveal their true identity.  We’ll have to wait and see how that turns out.


When It’s Your Time … 

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending had a pretty good 2015 and looks like 2016 may be even better. New companies like Lending Club, OnDeck, Prosper, etc. popped up post the 2008 financial crisis to give people the loans they couldn’t get from banks. P2P lending startups will likely be on the rise this year thanks to things like an increase in interest rates, regulation, market size, and competition. Who knows? Internet companies like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have probably got next in the p2p lending game.


Stellar, an open-source payment network based in Silicon Valley, wants in on the instant money transfer situation in Nigeria.  It’s teaming up with fintech company Oradian that deals with microfinance systems in the name of financial inclusion. Transferring money may just get a lot easier for underbanked rural Nigerians.

While we’re on Nigeria, fintech startup Interswitch is about to make it big! It’s CEO isn’t talking, but we have it on good authority that the digital finance infrastructure (think platforms used for processing payments) may soon make its debut on the London Stock Exchange and become Africa’s first tech unicorn (meaning its worth at least a billion dollars). Kind of a big deal…

Ex-JPMorgan Chase exec Blythe Masters is keeping it in the family. Masters’ startup Digital Assets and the bank are playing on the same team for a blockchain trial run on how to make trading faster and more efficient. Oh, and Goldman Sachs and IBM also want a piece of the company for about $8 million combined.

Bitcoin and blockchain are blowing up in Asia. Here’s the rundown: Japanese VC firm SBI Investment pours money into bitcoin exchange Kraken; Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Tokyo’s largest bank, has got its own digital currency, “MUFG coin.” Add South Korea’s Central Bank to the growing list of entities looking into blockchain technology.




Virtual Skinny FinTech Ed: In the Clear …


Good to Know: Spread the word! The Virtual Skinny’s weekly FinTech is here. Tell your peeps to sign up here


When Everyone’s Talking About You … 

At last week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, “fintech” was all the rage.  Apparently, the term is no longer just for startup companies using technology to shake up the financial services industry. Traditional banks are saying they are about that “fintech” life too.

When You’re Not Quite Part of the Convo …

Though fintech was the talk of the town and startup execs made their first trip to Davos, incumbents were still running things and led discussions about the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “The Transformation of Finance.” It’s an interesting time, especially since old-school financial firms have as much as US $150 billion of revenue to lose to fintech startups according to consulting company Oliver Wyman.

When Someone Rains On Your Parade… 

Not everyone is buying into the fintech hype, some bankers are pointing out major hurdles like regulation. Large banks also want to make sure that the new kids on the block play fair when it comes to offering consumer services. Not to mention, there’s talk on Wall Street. that fintech upstarts may have already reached their peak. Cue companies folding and/or merging with banks, potentially.


When You Have Other Options … 

European officials like Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem aren’t shying away from fintech. Turns out that Dijsselbloem thinks European economies are way too reliant on traditional banking. He says alternatives are a good thing, and regulators should embrace that.  Financing options are good for people and small- and medium-sized businesses.


Belle of the Ball… 

Also at Davos, ex-JPMorgan Chase exec Blythe Masters just pulled US $52 million to fund her blockchain technology startup Digital Asset Holdings (DAH). Where’d the money come from? A bunch of banks including Masters’ former employer forked over cash to help fund the new company, but it took longer than expected.  Some banks opted out all together.  Literally everyone is talking about “blockchain this” and “blockchain that,” but the technology’s real world uses haven’t quite caught up to talk of its potential. But, Australia’s main stock exchange, ASX, is on board. It inked a deal with DAH to settle trades and transfer money faster.


Peer-to-peer money transfer app Venmo is looking to make some money this year, and it plans to use its new feature “Pay with Venmo” to do just that starting today. Think of it as an alternative to paying for stuff online with your credit card.

Alternative lending startup Social Finance (SoFi) wants you to know who they are so it’s willing to shell out 20% of its annual budget for an ad spot during this year’s Super Bowl. In case you’re wondering, SoFi’s main jam is refinancing student loans and personal loans for qualified millennials.

Decentralize All The Things aka DATT, a social network based on blockchain technology, is almost complete. Start the six-month countdown.

When it comes to FinTech, London, Silicon Valley, Hong Kong, and Singapore are the usual suspects, but Mexico and South Africa are right on their heels.

The Virtual Skinny FinTech Ed: Checking In …


Good to Know: Global political and business leaders are in Davos, Switzerland this week. In between ski runs, they’ll be at the 16th World Economic Forum Meeting talking things like robots, inequality, Europe, etc. Where do we sign up? 


Is That A Threat?

People in their 20s and early 30s (aka Millennials) would rather handle their finances via digital services and smartphones than deal with old school banks.  FinTech startups and services offered by Internet and tech companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc. are giving banks a run for their money.

Just Look At the Signs … 

Well for one, in 2015 alone, retail banking saw about $6.8 billion in investments (up 4x from 2014). If that’s not enough, young people’s behavior is pretty telling. Some are ditching credit cards all together for alternatives offered by startups like Affirm. The appeal? A ridiculously easy sign-up/approval process and minimal confusion regarding its terms.

When You’re So good, You Can’t Be Ignored… 

You know what they say, imitation is the best form of flattery … Or, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.  Seems like a couple of cliché phrases, but that’s pretty much how banks are approaching competition in a FinTech world.  For instance, Citigroup is partnering with online lender Lending Club.  And just a few months ago, it created its very own group focused on becoming more innovative, appropriately named Citi FinTech.

It’s Not All Sunshine and Rainbows … 

FinTech startups and services are popping up pretty quickly. But, it’s not without any issues. Legal and regulatory challenges are at the top of the list. But, companies are working on that. Last November, Amazon, Apple, Google, PayPal, and Intuit got together to form a D.C.-based group called Financial Innovation Now. Its goal? “To promote policies to “foster greater innovation in financial services.”


It Ain’t No Thing … 

Regulatory barriers are tough to break through, especially when it comes to moving money across borders. But, few Fintech startups (25 to be exact) have navigated the muddied, regulatory waters like champs to achieve global expansion and growth. Square, Payoneer, Stripe, Braintree, and Transferwise are just a few that made the cut. Congrats on figuring out how to strike the right balance on things like regulations, market opportunity, local ecosystem, competition, flexibility of business mode, etc.

When You’ve got a #@%$! problem … 

Bitcoin is going through it – again. Lately, there’s been not so positive chatter about the fate of the virtual currency and its network after one of its core developers Mike Hearn penned a pretty controversial blog post. In a nutshell, Hearn basically said Bitcoin is a major fail and announced that he was bowing out of the whole thing. Now, Bitcoin insiders and those on the outside can’t help but add in their two cents about the state of the Bitcoin network. See here and here.  Other developments? Russia plans to ban Bitcoin before it becomes a thing in the country. And, Bitcoin wallet and exchange company CoinBase’s main guy tasked with helping educate U.S. lawmakers is about to dip out for another gig with the bankers. No word yet on what this means for the company.


Unlike Bitcoin, crowdfunding typically doesn’t get a bad rap. In fact, you’d think that everyone loves it, but no so much. Ian Russell, CEO of the Investment Industry Association of Canada, is not feeling crowdfunding – not even a little bit – particularly when small businesses use it to raise capital. Russell thinks TSX Venture Exchange (TSX), Canada’s stock exchange, is a way better option for early stage ventures looking for money. Russell isn’t just talking about it. The man is on a mission.  He is calling on Canadian regulators to forget about equity crowdfunding and focus on TSX instead. Naturally, the National Crowdfunding Association of Canada thinks that’s a terrible idea. Side bar: If you’ll remember the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission signed off on rules allowing non-accredited investors to participate in equity crowdfunding.  Just something to think about …


The UK Government Office for Science wants other parts of the UK government to look into blockchain technology and figure out how it can work for them on things like government aid payment systems, tax monitoring, etc.

Commerce technology company First Data is going after mobile payments company Square with CloverGo, its new EMV card-reader.


The Virtual Skinny FinTech Ed: Reverse, Reverse …


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Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Bitcoin, the virtual currency network, is going mainstream. And you know what they say: Mo’ money, mo problems.

What’s the Problem?

It really comes down to how many financial transactions the network can handle. Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto initially put a temporary limit on the number of transactions to protect computers on the system.  But, to compete in the big leagues along side companies like PayPal and Visa, the Bitcoin network would need to process more transactions. So, to increase the number of transactions on the network or not? That is the question.

Is It Really That Serious?

When the question came up last year, two camps quickly formed: One in favor of the increase and the other against it. Points of contention over technical capabilities and financial interests have added to the mounting tension between both groups. Some Bitcoin developers have even received death threats, ultimately leading them to bow out of the whole Bitcoin system all together.


To settle the score, the group favoring the increase peeled off and created software allowing for more transactions called Bitcoin XT (XT). But shortly after XT’s release and endorsements of the software from the likes of CoinBase and others, a hacker released Bitkiller, a malicious software, to take down computers running XT. The hacker claims he was paid off to get rid of Bitkiller.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Since then, the Bitcoin community has gotten together twice to try to reach a better compromise but no answers yet. It’s pretty unclear where things are headed. Oh, the drams!


Party’s Over … 

China’s not the place if you’re trying to get your Fintech company off the ground.  The government’s taking “corrective actions” that’ll force Fintech startups to either consolidate or simply fold. This is a 180 from the Chinese governments initial outlook.  At one time, It was all about Fintech startups so they could compete with Chinese e-commerce companies like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent. But, now China has changed its mind. Thanks to things like new regulations, unsustainable business models, and low return on investments (ROIs), these startups will struggle this year.  E-commerce companies aren’t safe either. But, you know who will be? The banks, of course. If things go as planned, banks in China should reclaim their power in no time.

When You’re All About It …

Wall Street is embracing Fintech companies with open arms. Fintech can mean a lot of things but basically covers services and apps that help make financial transactions happen. Banking vet and Silicon Valley Bank’s Head of EMEA & President of the UK branch Phil Cox thinks that Fintech “winners” will be companies that can offer solutions to major problems like improved customer service from banks. Seems like a no-brainer …

If Only We Knew What You Were Talking About …

Nasdaq, the New York Stock Exchange, and the entire capital markets crew wants to know how they can make blockchain technology work for them.  So, what’s stopping them?  According to one study, the talent just isn’t there.  In other words, there just aren’t people that understand both blockchain technology and the ins and outs of capital markets. Also, there’s the other issue that blockchain technology may not pair nicely with existing IT infrastructure of capital market firms.


Messaging app Snapchat wants to do more than just make sure that your sketchy pics don’t last.  It wants to help manage your funds by getting into the robo-adivsor biz.

Moneybox, a U.K. startup coming to us soon, wants to make sure that you save and invest some of your coins. It just pulled in US $3 Mill to help make its dreams a reality.

CoinDesk, an online publication about all things Bitcoin, just got bought out by the Digital Currency Group, an industry leader.

Is PayPal drinking the Bitcoin kool-aid? Likely story. The company just brought on bitcoin entrepreneur Wences Casares to join its Board of Directors.

It’s a good time to be in the payments biz.  The 10-year-old payment startup Adyen is worth about US $2 billion, but no one’s heard of it. The startup wants to change that and is looking to cause a media frenzy by taking its financial situation public (even though it’s still a private company). Interesting…